Tincture of wood betony (Stachys betonica) 1:3 45%
Stachys betonica, organic grain alcohol
Daily adult dose: 3 – 7.5ml unless otherwise prescribed.
Avoid during pregnancy
Stachys betonica
Common name: Wood Betony, Stachys, Betonica, Trevisan
Family: Lamiaceae
Part used: Flowering aerial parts
Habitat: Enjoys an open situation and dislikes dry soil. May be found accross Europe and widely cultivated globally, though there are over 270 varieties of Stachys, so careful identifiction or quality sources are recommended.
Constituents: Volatile oils (monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes are most common), Flavonoids, Phenylpropanoids.
Actions: Antiseptic, Anti-inflammatory, Bitter Tonic, Sedative Nervine
Traditional and current uses:
• Headache, vertigo, anxiety, neuralgia, tension headache
• Weak digestion
• Insomnia and bad dreams
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