Wild Indigo Tincture
£10.00 100ml

Tincture of Wild Indigo (Baptisia tinctoria) 1:5 60%
Baptisia tinctoria, organic grain alcohol
For treating flu and feverish conditions, or lymphatics conditions with swollen nodes (glands) take 2ml tincture 2-3 times per day.
Baptisia combines very well with myrrh and Calendula as a mouthwash for sore throats, infected gums, tonsilitis and pharyngitis.
Not to be used in pregnancy or breastfeeding.
Can cause nausea and vomiting, do not exceed dose.
Gastric Disorders:Use of wild indigo is contraindicated in patients with inflammatory gastrointestinal conditions, particularly with accompanying capillary congestion.
Family: Fabaceae
Part used: Root
Habitat: Several plants in the Baptisia genus are named "wild indigo"; however, in the available literature, the most commonly used medicinal species is Baptisia tinctoria. Baptisia tinctoria has yellow flowers that eventually become seedpods, whereas Baptisia australis, a similar species, has deep blue-to-violet flowers that resemble sweet pea flowers. When the plant's sap is exposed to air, it turns purple. Although this sap has been used for dying, it is not as colorfast as true indigo (Indigofera tinctoria).
Folklore and History:
Constituents: Alkaloids including cytisine, glycoproteins, coumarins, flavonoids
Actions: Lymphatic, immune enhancing, alterative, anti-pyretic, antiseptic
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