White Willow Tincture

£10.00   100ml           

White Willow Tincture (Salix alba)

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Tincture of white willow bark (Salix alba) 1:3 30%

Salix alba, organic grain alcohol

Adult dose: 3 - 5ml three times a day, unless otherwise prescribed. 

Avoid during breastfeeding. 

Avoid if sensitive to aspirin, if you have a salicylate allergy or sensitivity.

Salix alba

Common name: White willow

Family: Salicaceae

Part used: Bark from young branches, collected in spring and summer

Habitat: Though we talk about white wilow here, there are hundreds of willow species which hybridise easily, though they share much of their therapeutic constituents. Willow is a deciduous tree growing up to 25-30m tall with deep fissures in the bark and drooping branches. Willow trees are drought tender and are most often found growing on the banks of fresh waterways, where even the smallest twig can travel downstream and propagate in the silt. 

History and Folklore: White willow is famously one of the plant origins of synthetically formulated aspirin, which is isolated acetylsalicylic acid rather than various salicylic acids (with many other compounds) in willow which were the starting point for this drug's development. Aspirin is named after the other plant where salicylic acid was identified; meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria) whose old latin name was Spirea ulmaria. Both of these plants are found very commonly in the British countryside and make delicious teas. One benefit of willow and meadowsweet is that these plants have well documented anti-inflammatory and pain relieving activity but are also safe for people with gastric ulcers, where aspirin is usually not recommended. 

Constituents: Phenolic glycosides (up to 11%) most notably various salicylates for which this plant is most famous, flavonoids (up to 4%) and tannins.

Actions: anti-inflammatory, analgesic (pain relieving), anti-pyretic (reduces fever), anti-rheumatic

Traditional and current uses: 

  • Flu, common cold, fever, respiratory catarrh
  • Mild headaches
  • Pain
  • Rheumatic joint and muscle pain, gouty arthritis
  • Akylosing spondylitis
  • Arthritis
  • Connective tissue disorders

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