Stop Worrying Compound

£20.00   200ml           

Stop Worrying Compound ()

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A blend of herbs traditionally used in the management of stress, anxiety, low mood, fatigue, and post viral problems. This complex formula contains small amounts of many herbs to support the nerves on a physical and emotional level. For trouble sleeping try my Sweet Dreams Compound.

Our simple and to the point Stop Worrying Compound is a great blend to have on hand to take regularly during times of prolonged stress or occasionally as tough moments arise. Formulated with herbs traditionally used to soothe frayed nerves, calm acute anxiety and ease physical tension, this blend takes the whole person into account. Alongside traditional calming ‘nervines’ (tonics for the nerves), we have included bitter tasting herbs which are traditionally used help stimulate the Vagus nerve, the master nerve of the rest and digest (parasympathetic) part of the nervous system to support the calming action of the other ingredients in a complimentary way.

For more information about the importance of the Vagus nerve in chronic anxiety, have a look at Dr. Stephen Porges and Polyvagal Theory. To learn more about the herbs we have selected for this blend, check out the ingredients tab above. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, taking medication or seeking a blend for a child, please get in touch and we will suggest an alternative or make you a bespoke mix at no extra cost.

  • Oatstraw (Avena sativa)
  • Skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora)
  • Passionflower (Passiflora incarnata)
  • Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum)
  • Jamaica Dogwood (Piscidia erythrina)
  • Limeflower (Tilia cordata)
  • Bitter Orange (Citrus aurantium)
  • Valerian (Valeriana officinalis)
  • Gentian (Gentiana lutea)
  • Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum)
  • water
  • alcohol

Daily adult dose: 2.5mls (half a teaspoon) in water three times a day.

Not suitable for children, pregnant or breastfeeding women. Please ask for an alternative.

Disclaimer: The information on this website is provided for educational use only, and is not intended as a replacement for the services of a qualified medical herbalist, doctor or licensed health practitioner. The information contained herein is not diagnostic, always consult a medical health professional before embarking on a treatment programme. Max Drake Medical Herbalist disclaims any liability, loss, injury or damage incurred as a consequence of the use and application of the advice given herein.