Scotch Broom Tincture

£10.00   100ml           

Scotch Broom Tincture (Cytisus scoparius)

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Tincture of Scotch Broom (Cytisus scoparius) herb. 1:4 45%

Cytisus scoparius, organic grain alcohol

Seek advice before taking, feel free to call us. 

Avoid during pregnancy and breastfeeding and with high blood pressure. 

Cytisus scoparius

Common name: Scotch broom, broom

Family: Fabaceae

Part used: Aerial parts 

Habitat and Description: Scotch broom is a shrub member of the pea or fabaceae family. It grows to 1–3 m tall, with main stems up to 5 cm thick with green shoots with small deciduous trifoliate leaves. In spring and summer are covered in a wonderful mass of golden yellow flowers. 

Constituents: Alkaloids including quinolizidine alkaloids and notably sparteine, cardiac glycosides, genistein

Actions: Cardioactive, hypertensive (raises blood pressure), astringent, strong diuretic

Traditional and current uses:

  • Cardiac arrhythmias, sinus tachycardia, ventricular extrasystoles and arrhythmias following a heart attack (use with supervision from a qualified herbalist following a visit to your GP).
  • Low blood pressurre (used wth caution, this may be too strong for frail, elderly or sensitive individuals, please ask for alternatives).
  • Oedema

Disclaimer: The information on this website is provided for educational use only, and is not intended as a replacement for the services of a qualified medical herbalist, doctor or licensed health practitioner. The information contained herein is not diagnostic, always consult a medical health professional before embarking on a treatment programme. Max Drake Medical Herbalist disclaims any liability, loss, injury or damage incurred as a consequence of the use and application of the advice given herein.