Ribwort Plantain Tincture

£10.00   100ml           

Ribwort Plantain Tincture (Plantago lanceolata)

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Tincture of fresh Ribwort Plantain (Plantago lanceolata) 1:2 25%

Plantago lanceolata, organic grain alcohol

Daily adult dose: 2 - 4 ml three times a day, unless otherwise prescribed. 

Plantago lanceolata

Common name: Ribwort Plantain 

Family: Plantaginaceae

Part used: Leaves 

Habitat: Commonly found in grassy areas in Britain, Europe and in many temperate regions. 

Constituents: Iridoid glycosides, phenylpropaoid glycosides, phenolic acids, triterpenes, flavonoids, minerals, mucilage and polysaccharides in seeds

Actions: Astringent, Anti-inflammatory, demulcent, anti-haemorrhagic, vulnerary

Traditional and current uses:

•  Disorders of the respiratory or upper respiratory tract such as coughs, hayfever, catarrh, asthma, chest infections

• Chronic inflammation of the gastro-intestinal tract

• Haemorrhoids

• Cystitis with blood in urine

•  Topically: as a compress on a minor wound or irritated skin

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