Olive Leaf Tincture

£10.00   100ml           

Olive Leaf Tincture (Olea europea)

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Tincture of Olive leaf (Olea europea) 1:3 25%

Olea europea, organic grain alcohol

Avoid in hypoglycaemia. May cause mild gastric upset; take after food to help avoid this.

Olea europea

Common name: Olive

Family: Oleaceae

Part used: Leaf

Habitat: A legendary slow growing evergreen tree, native to mediterranean europe. 

Constituents: Iridoid monoterpenes, triterpenes, flavonoids, chalcones, phenolic acids, coumarins. 

Actions: Anti-oxidant, bitter tonic, diuretic, hypotensive, hypoglycaemic

Traditional and current uses:

● Hypertension

● Angina pectoris

● To improve circulation through coronary arteries and heart

● Diabetes

● Oxidative Stress

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