Marshmallow Root Tincture

£10.00   100ml           

Marshmallow Root Tincture (Althaea officinalis rad.)

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Tincture of Marshmallow root (Althaea officinalis rad.) 1:3 25%

Althaea officinalis radix., organic grain alcohol

Daily adult dose: 3 - 6ml, unless otherwise prescribed. 

Althea Officinalis

Common names: Marshmallow

Family: Malvaceae

Parts used: Root

Habitat: Native to Europe, grows in salt marches. 

Constituents: Mucilage, Flavonoids, Coumarin, Polyphenolic acids

Actions: Diuretic, Emollient, Demulcent, Expectorant, Antilithic

Traditional and current uses:

• Gastritis as well as gastric or peptic ulcers

• Excessive stomach acid


• Respiratory catarrh 

• Persistent coughs

• Cystitis

• Colitis

• Used as a gargle for inflammation of the throat

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