Jamaica Dogwood Tincture
£10.00 100ml

Tincture of Jamaica Dogwood (Piscidia erythrina) 1:2 45%
Piscidia erythrina, organic grain alcohol
Daily adult dose: 4 - 15ml up to three times a day unless otherwise prescribed.
Avoid during pregnancy.
Avoid with bradycardia and cardiac insufficiency.
Use under professional supervision alongside powerful pain killers.
Excessive doses and adverse reactions: may cause nausea, vomiting, confusion and headache.
Family: Fabaceae
Part used: Root bark
Habitat: Jamaican dogwood is native is to the Caribbean, Southern US, Central America and northern South America. It is a small branching deciduous tree or shrub growing to about 15m.
Folklore and History: Jamaica Dogwood is also traditionally used to sedate fish in traditional fishing practices in the West Indies.
Constituents: Isoflavonoids including jamaicin, piscidone, piscerythrone, ichthynone.
Actions: Reduces spasm, pain reliever, mild sedative.
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