Goats Rue Tincture
£10.00 100ml

Tincture of Goat's Rue (Galega officinalis) 1:3 25%
Galega officinalis, organic grain alcohol
Daily adult dose: 4.5 - 10ml unless otherwise prescribed.
Careful professional monitoring of blood sugar is important when treating diabetes.
Family: Fabaceae
Part used: Leaves and flowers
Habitat: Goat's rue is an erect hairless herbaceous plant, growing to 1m tall when flowering with pinnate leaves with pointed leaflets. Goat's rue is native to Europe and parts of Asia, but cultivated widely. The plant preferrs open sunny places and is drought and frost tender.
Constituents: Alkaloids (notably galegine and peganine), triterpenoid saponins, beta-sitosterol, flavonoids, bitter compounds and tannins.
Actions: Hypoglycaemic, mild diuretic, galactagogue (promotes the production of breast milk)
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