Dandelion Root Tincture
£10.00 100ml

Tincture of Dandelion root (Taraxacum officinale radix) 1:3 25%
Taraxacum officinale radix, organic grain alcohol
Daily adult dose: 5 - 10ml three times a day unless otherwise prescribed.
Seek professional advice before use with occluded bile ducts, gall bladder, empyema or ileus.
Family: Asteraceae
Parts used: Roots
Habitat: Native to Europe and now worldwide, extremely prolific and mostly found in lawns and gardens.
History /Folklore/Taste/Energetics: Bitter and sweet. Traditionally used to help clear blocked emotions, notably anger stored in the liver.
Constituents: Sesquiterpene lactones, flavonoids (glycosides of quercetin), phenolic acids, fatty acids, triterpenoids, tannins, mucilage, volatile oils, polysaccharides including inulin and taraxasterol.
Also contains vitamins A,B,C and D as well as potassium, iron, copper, calcium, sodium, phosphorous and zinc.
Actions: Laxative, Mild Diuretic, Antirheumatic, Choleretic
• The bitter properties of the root aid in helping a range of digestive issues including indigestion, atonic dyspepsia, constipation and anorexia
• Hypoglycaemia
• Liver tonic - helps liver to flush out harmful toxins through increase of bile.
• Aids in elimination of waste acids
• Skin problems
• Kidney health - helps the kidneys to clear out waste as its a diuretic
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