Couch Grass Tincture
£10.00 100ml

Tincture of Couch Grass (Agropyron repens) roots 1:3 25%
Agropyron repens, organic grain alcohol
Daily adult dose: 5 - 15ml three times a day unless otherwise directed.
Avoid prolonged use alongside prescription diuretics.
Agropyron repens
Common name: Couch grass
Family: Poaceae
Part used: Rhizomes
Habitat: Pervasive plant which grows in many conditions and soils in temperate zones.
Constituents: Fructose, sugar alcohols, phenolic carboxylic acids, triticin (some similarities to inulin), silicic acid, silicates, vanillic acid.
Actions:Soothing diuretic, anti-inflammatory, demulcent
Traditional and current uses:
• Irritation in bladder andurinary tract including cystitis
• Bronchial catarrh
• Gentle cleansing tonic
• Chronic skin conditions
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