Cardio Tonic

£20.00   200ml           

Cardio Tonic ()

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A herbal compound to help support a healthy heart and circulatory system. Made with a blend of herbs traditionally used to support and maintain cardiovascular health, it can be used as an all round heart tonic as well as help to treat a variety of heart issues.

  • Hawthorn Flowers (Crataegus oxyacantha flos)
  • Hawthorn Berries (Crataegus oxyacantha fruct)
  • Dan Shen (Salvia miltiorrhiza)
  • Lime Flowers (Tilia cordata)
  • Water
  • Alcohol

Maximum daily adult dose 5ml (1 teaspoon) in a water twice a day. 

If you feel this blend is not suitable for you, please get in touch and we will recommend an alternative or make a bespoke blend at no extra cost.

Avoid during breastfeeding and pregnancy. 

Please seek advice from a medical herbalist before taking this product if taking medication related to heart conditions or blood pressure.

Avoid if taking anti-coagulant or anti platelet drugs.

Avoid taking just before or after surgery.

The Herbs - Traditional Uses 

Hawthorn Flowers - These have an affinity with the heart. Hawthorn helps to strengthen the muscles of the heart, increase circulation through the heart and reduce blood pressure. The flowers also act as a nervine so can help to reduce anxious palpitations. 

Hawthorn Berries - These also have an affinity for the heart. These are known to regulate the rhythm of the heart, lower cholesterol and help prevent clots through its anti-inflammatory action. It also increases circulation to the brain, and therefore can help to improve memory.

Lime Flowers - An all round heart tonic particularly for helping with tension and stress, and for helping to lower blood pressure.

Dan Shen - Known to soothe nervous palpitations and increase circulation to the heart as it helps to open up arteries and increase bloodflow. It also reduces issues relating to blood stagnation. It has been shown to help reduce cardiovascular disease due to high antioxidant levels. 

If you have any specific questions or needs, or if you are taking any medication listed in the cautions tab, please get in touch and we can advise on the best option for you. To learn more about the herbs we have selected for this blend, check out the ingredients tab above.

Disclaimer: The information on this website is provided for educational use only, and is not intended as a replacement for the services of a qualified medical herbalist, doctor or licensed health practitioner. The information contained herein is not diagnostic, always consult a medical health professional before embarking on a treatment programme. Max Drake Medical Herbalist disclaims any liability, loss, injury or damage incurred as a consequence of the use and application of the advice given herein.