Aniseed Tincture

£10.00   100ml           

Aniseed Tincture (Pimpinella anisum)

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Tincture of Aniseed (pimpinella anisum) 1:3 25%

Pimpinella anisum, organic grain alcohol

Pimpinella anisum

Common names: Aniseed, Anise

Family: Apiaceae

Parts used: Seeds

Habitat: A short-lived annual growing up to 60cm, native to North Africa and some Mediterranean islands. Cultivated widely in light, rich weed-free soils.

Constituents: Essential oil (2-4%) mainly anethole. Flavonoids including rutin, quercetin, apigenin, luteolin and others. Coumarins including bergapten. Fatty oil (8-11%), phenylpropanoid glycosides, choline, protein. Vitamins B, and E; potassium, calcium, iron, sulphur and magnesium.

Actions: Expectorant, Carminative, Spasmolytic, Parasiticide

History and Folklore: A long history of culinary use and in the production of liqueurs alongside widespread traditional medicinal use. More esoteric uses include: the addition of aniseed oil capsules in bearings of steam locomotives to produce a distinctive smell upon overheating, and as a sweet smelling lure in fishing. 

Traditional and current uses:

  • Dry, hard coughs
  • Pertussis
  • Infantile catarrh
  • Bronchial catarrh
  • Asthma
  • Tracheitis with persistent cough
  • Flatulence
  • Colic, especially in children due to the sweet taste
  • Cramps
  • To ease griping alongside strong laxatives

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