Agnus Castus Tincture
£10.00 100ml

Agnus castus tincture 1:3 45%
Vitex agnus castus; organic grain alcohol
Unless otherwise prescribed, daily adult dose of 1-5ml usually taken upon waking.
Do not use if taking oral contraceptives, pregnant or breastfeeding.
Family: Verbenaceae
Parts used: Mature berries
Habitat: An aromatic deciduous shrub or small tree originally native to Southern Europe and West Asia in moist, well drained sunny places. Frost resistant, drought tender. Cultivated in gardens around the world.
Constituents: Iridoid glycosides including agnuside, aucubin, eurotoside. Flavonoids mainly casticin, also orientin, eupatorin, apigenin and others. Essential oil: monoterpenes, diterpenes and sesquiterpenes. Fatty acids including linoleic acid. Vitamin C and carotene.
Actions: Hormone Regulator, Galactagogue
History, folklore, taste and energetics: Monks were reported to use agnus castus berries as pepper (hence the old common name) to aid chastity and celibacy, though this is not a common use today.
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